Recette de travers de porc au four : facile et rapide
Recette de travers de porc au four : facile et rapide

Recette de pork ribs au four : easy and quick Ingredients Recipe for 4 people. 🍖 1.3 kg of pork ribs 🧄 2 cloves of garlic 🧂 1/2 tsp of ground ginger 🍯 3 tbsp of honey 🌶️ 2 tbsp of Dijon mustard 🍋 6 tbsp of lime juice 🌿 Seasoning to taste Utensils 🍴 Baking dish 🔪 Chef's knife 🥄 Wooden spoon 🧪 Mixing bowl 📏 Aluminum foil…

Conversion de ml en cl : Guide simple et rapide pour vos recettes
Conversion de ml en cl : Guide simple et rapide pour vos recettes

Conversion from ml to cl: Simple and quick guide for your recipes Ingredients Recipe for 4 people. 🍶 200 ml of water 🧂 10 cl of salt 🥄 50 ml of olive oil 🍬 30 cl of sugar 🥛 150 ml of milk 🌿 25 cl of fresh basil Utensils 📏 Measuring ruler 🔍 Magnifying glass 🥄 Measuring spoon ⚗️ Measuring cup 📝 Recipe notebook 📊 Conversion chart 🧪 Kitchen scale…


Recette de vigneron fondue: a dish to share in good company Ingredients Recipe for 4 people. 🍖 1 kg of beef (surprise, merlan, poire or heel) 🍷 1 bottle of Riesling or Sylvaner 🧄 1 clove of garlic 🧅 1 onion 🥓 125 g of smoked bacon 🍲 50 cl of chicken broth 🌿 4 cloves 🍗 800 g of white meats (veal, chicken or turkey) Utensils 🍲 Fondue pot…

Comment organiser un ballon d'anniversaire mémorable
Comment organiser un ballon d'anniversaire mémorable

How to organize a memorable birthday balloon Ingredients Recipe for 4 people. 🎈 Balloon (in different sizes and colors) 🎨 Paint or stickers (to personalize the balloons) 🧵 Thread or ribbon (to tie the balloons) 🎉 Additional decorations (garlands, banners) 📅 Date and time (to plan the party) 📜 Guest list (for invitations) 🍰 Birthday cake (of your choice) 🥤 Drinks (to accompany the snack) Utensils…