Comment to use malted yeast in your recipes


Recipe for 4 people.

🍚 Rice (250 g) 🥬 Green salad (1 head)
🌽 Corn (100 g) 🍅 Tomatoes (3 units)
🧄 Garlic (2 cloves) 🥔 Potatoes (2 units)
🧀 Malted yeast (4 tablespoons) 🌱 Fresh basil (a handful)
🌶️ Sweet pepper (1 unit) 🍋 LEmon (1 unit, for the juice)


🍽️ Plate 🥄 Table spoon
📏 Measuring cup 🍲 Pot
🥘 Gratin dish 🧂 Spice container
🥡 Storage box 🍴 Kitchen knife
🔪 Cutting board 🥙 Baking sheet

Salade de pommes de terre 🌱 Ingrédients pour 6 à 8 personnes: – 1,2kg de pommes de terre – 150g de mayonnaise végétale – 2 càs vinaigre de cidre – 1 échalotte finement haché – 1 poignée d’herbes fraîches (persil, ciboulette, anneth) – 40g de cornichons tranchés en rondelles – sel et poivre (au goût) N.B. Faites cuire les pommes de terre 30 minutes (ou jusqu’à ce qu’elles soient tendres) dans l’eau bouillante. #thecheftomy #salade #vegan #veganfrance #recettesvegan #pommesdeterre

♬ son original – The Chef Tomy

Preparation step by step

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 20 minutes

Rest time: 0 minutes

Total time: 30 minutes

STEP 1: Gather all the necessary ingredients, including the malted yeast, and prepare your workspace.

STEP 2: Start by cooking your base, such as rice or pasta, depending on the chosen recipe.

STEP 3: While cooking, prepare your vegetables or other ingredients to be included in the dish by chopping them.

STEP 4: Once your base is cooked, incorporate the malted yeast into it for a savory and unique flavor.

STEP 5: Mix everything gently to evenly distribute the malted yeast in the dish.

STEP 6: Finish the preparation by seasoning to your liking, then serve your enriched dish hot.

The malted yeast is a fascinating ingredient to incorporate into everyday cooking. Its ability to enhance flavors of many dishes makes it a valuable ally, whether in soups, salads, or sauces. Using it as a cheese substitute in vegan recipes offers a nutrient-rich option while providing a savory taste. Sprinkling it on pasta, incorporating it into a pesto, or using it in cakes are all ways to enjoy its benefits. With its nutritional properties, malted yeast deserves a prominent place in your kitchen. It can transform ordinary dishes into memorable culinary creations.

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