Cuisson de la côte de boeuf au barbecue : guide étape par étape


Recipe for 4 people.

🥩 Rib of beef – 1 kg 🧂 Coarse salt – to taste
🧄 Garlic cloves – 2, for rubbing 🌿 Herbs de Provence – optional, for seasoning
🌶️ Black pepper – to taste 🔥 Charcoal – for the barbecue


🔥 Barbecue 🔪 Butcher’s knife
🧂 Coarse salt ⏱️ Timer
🌡️ Meat thermometer 🥩 Baking mat
🧤 Barbecue gloves 🌿 Marinade (optional)

Vous pensez manger du boeuf quand vous commandez une « côte de boeuf » ? La grande majorité du « bœuf » vendu en France est en fait de la vache. Souvent, de la vache laitière « de réforme », abattue très jeune car elle ne produisait plus assez de lait. C’est l’une des conséquences de notre surconsommation de produits laitiers : on abat des vaches dès l’âge de 4 ou 6 ans, dès que leur production de lait commence à baisser, et on se retrouve avec des milliers de tonnes de viande peu qualitative sur les bras, qu’on refourgue aux clients sous le terme « côte de boeuf »… Pour découvrir notre enquête complète sur la face cachée du fromage français, rendez-vous ce lundi 15 avril à 21h sur France 5 dans mon émission S#SurLeFront

♬ son original – Hugo Clément

Preparation step by step

Total cooking time: 30 minutes

Preparation time: 15 minutes

Rest time: 1 hour

Cooking time: 15 minutes

STEP 1: Take the rib of beef out of the refrigerator and let it sit at room temperature for about 2 hours.

STEP 2: Rub both sides of the rib with coarse salt and let it rest for 15 to 20 minutes.

STEP 3: Prepare the barbecue by lighting the charcoal and let it burn until nice coals are formed.

STEP 4: Sear the rib of beef on the barbecue for about 3 minutes on each side over high heat.

STEP 5: After searing, reduce the heat and let it cook an additional 7 to 8 minutes on each side.

STEP 6: Avoid piercing the meat while cooking to retain the juices, and turn it gently.

STEP 7: Remove the rib from the barbecue and let it rest for about 5 to 10 minutes before serving.

The cooking of the rib of beef on the barbecue is an exciting process that requires attention and technique. By starting with a good piece of meat, you lay the groundwork for a flavorful dish. Do not underestimate the importance of resting your meat, as it contributes to tenderness and taste.

During cooking, timing is crucial. For rare meat, only a few minutes are needed on each side, while a medium cooking will require a bit more time in contact with heat. Keep an eye on the coals to ensure even heat.

Finally, serving the rib of beef is just as critical. A good presentation of your dish will highlight the effort put in. Invite your guests to savor every bite, and feel free to share your tips and preferences for a memorable experience.

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