Easy recipe for creamy and quick egg custard


Recipe for 4 people.

🍳 4 eggs 🥛 500 ml of whole milk
🍬 100 g of sugar 🌿 1 vanilla pod


🍳 saucepan 🥄 whisk
🥄 mixing bowl 🍽️ deep plate
🧪 measuring spoon 🧊 strainer
🔥 spatula ⚖️ kitchen scale

La crème aux oeufs, le dessert régressif par excellence pour faire fondre vos papilles 😍 Pour 6 personnes, ingrédients : – 300 g de sucre en poudre – 8 œufs – 1 gousse de vanille – 1 L de lait #cremeauxoeufs #desserttraditionnel #recettefacile #tiktokfood

♬ son original – Demotivateurfood – Demotivateurfood

Preparation step by step

Total cooking time: 45 minutes

Preparation time: 15 minutes

Rest time: 30 minutes

Cooking time: 30 minutes

STEP 1: In a saucepan, heat the milk with the sugar and optionally a vanilla pod to infuse.

STEP 2: Meanwhile, in a mixing bowl, break the eggs and beat them vigorously until you achieve a homogeneous mixture.

STEP 3: Gradually incorporate the hot milk into the beaten eggs while whisking to prevent the eggs from cooking too quickly.

STEP 4: Pour everything back into the saucepan and heat over low heat while stirring to achieve a creamy texture.

STEP 5: Let the cream rest for a few minutes off the heat before distributing it into ramekins.

STEP 6: Place the ramekins in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes for the cream to set and be very cool.

The egg custard is a dessert that can be easily and quickly prepared at home. With only three ingredients, namely eggs, milk, and sugar, you will achieve a creamy texture that will delight your taste buds. This dish can be made in less than 45 minutes, making it a simple recipe to incorporate into your daily meals.

For those looking for variations, feel free to add a bit of vanilla to enhance the flavors. Whether it’s for a dessert after a meal or just for your own enjoyment, this custard can be enjoyed at any time. Explore recipes that will help you rediscover the charm of homemade desserts.

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