Mussels in white wine sauce: easy traditional recipe to make


Recipe for 4 people.

🦪 2 kg of mussels 🧅 3 shallots
🌿 1 small bunch of flat parsley 🍷 20 cl of dry white wine
🧄 2 cloves of garlic 🥩 50 g of butter


🧽 Scrubbing brush to clean the mussels 🍳 Casserole or large pot for cooking
🔪 Knife to clean the mussels 🥄 Wooden spoon for stirring
🧅 Chopper or simple cutting board for the shallots 🍷 Measuring cup for the white wine
🥣 Bow to keep the cleaned mussels 👩‍🍳 Spatula for serving

Meilleures moules frites de paname Vidéo réalisée pour Perlouse, bar à huître dans le 9ème arrondissement de paris #perlouse #moules #moulesfrites #video #videaste #videoresto

♬ son original – Roch Debache

Step by Step Preparation

Total time: 20 minutes

Preparation time: 5 minutes

Cooking time: 15 minutes

STEP 1: Start by cleaning the mussels under cold water. Scrub well to remove sand and impurities.

STEP 2: Clean the mussels, meaning remove the threads that are sticking out. Throw away any that are open or damaged.

STEP 3: Finely chop the shallots and garlic to add a lot of flavor to your dish.

STEP 4: Melt the butter in a large casserole over high heat and add the shallots and garlic.

STEP 5: Once the shallots are opaque, add the mussels to the casserole and cover immediately.

STEP 6: After about 5 to 7 minutes, open the casserole and add the white wine along with the chopped parsley.

STEP 7: Replace the lid and let the mussels open completely, about another 5 minutes.

STEP 8: Once the mussels are open, serve them hot, garnished with fresh parsley.

Moules marinières are a dish that combines simplicity and authentic flavors. By following a traditional recipe, it’s possible to prepare this delight in just 20 minutes. Good preparation is crucial: by scraping and washing the mussels carefully, one ensures a tasting free of grains of sand. Ingredients such as shallots, garlic, and white wine add aromatic touches that enhance every bite.

Inviting friends around this recipe promotes a friendly atmosphere. Served with a bit of fresh parsley, the moules marinières will amaze your guests while remaining accessible for anyone who wants to cook. Have fun revisiting this classic according to your desires!

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