Optimal cooking time for potatoes


Recipe for 4 people.

🥔 Potatoes (1 kg) 🧂 Salt (10 g per liter of water)
💧 Water (enough to cover the potatoes) 👩‍🍳 Butter (optional, for seasoning)


🥔 Pot ⏲️ Timer
🌊 Colander 🥄 Wooden spoon
🔥 Baking tray 🔪 Knife
🍽️ Plate 👩‍🍳 Peeler

POMMES DE TERRE FARCIES 🥔 Une recette simple à réaliser et tout le monde se régale! Servi avec de la salade 🥗 Ingrédients : 2 pommes de terres chacun 3 tranches de bacon par pomme de terre 4 morceaux de fromage par pomme de terre (ici comté mais vous pouvez varier) Un peu d’herbes de Provence, huile d’olive, sel, poivre Au four pendant environ 30/40 min à 200 degré. ❤️‍🔥 Mon Programme est enfin en ligne: Diminue Ta Charge Mentale en cuisine. Je te propose d’aller plus loin et de t’aider pour mieux t’organiser en cuisine, je te donne tout clé en main pour pouvoir te lancer sereinement, lien dans ma bio😌 N’hésite pas à m’écrire pour toutes questions! #organisationmaison #recette #pommedeterreaufour #pommedeterre #recettefacile #bacon #fromage #recettemaison #faitmaison #recettesimple #bienmangeraveclydie

♬ son original – bienmangeraveclydie

Preparation step by step

Total cooking time: 25 minutes

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Rest time: 0 minutes

Cooking time: 25 minutes

STEP 1: Peel and cut your potatoes into evenly sized pieces for uniform cooking.

STEP 2: Immerse the potatoes in a pot of salted cold water and bring to a boil.

STEP 3: Cook over medium heat for about 20 to 25 minutes until they are tender.

STEP 4: Check the doneness by piercing a potato with the tip of a knife; it should go in easily.

STEP 5: Drain the potatoes and let them rest for a few minutes before serving or seasoning them.

Mastering the cooking time of potatoes is essential to achieve a pleasant texture and tasty flavor. Depending on the chosen method, the cooking time varies: 20 to 25 minutes in water, 15 to 30 minutes steaming, or 8 to 12 minutes in the microwave. For quick and even cooking, cutting the potatoes into equal-sized pieces proves effective. New potatoes, on the other hand, will benefit from a low heat, requiring about 15 minutes of cooking. Thus, adjusting the cooking time based on the varieties and methods ensures optimal results for each preparation.

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