Port knife: what the law says about its possession

What are the reasons it would be inappropriate to conceal a knife in France? In all countries, it is illegal to bring a concealed weapon into a public place for self-defense purposes, to prepare “just in case” you find yourself in a potentially dangerous situation, or for any other reason.

Carrying a knife: What does the law say?

What about carrying a pocket knife? Is it allowed in France?

A pocket knife, like any other weapon, can be concealed from public view. Without a solid justification, you risk a fine of up to 15,000 euros and a one-year prison sentence if you are caught in possession of a category D weapon or on your person.

However, the law and the police take into account the user’s context and intentions. Thus, being manipulated with a penknife is not necessarily synonymous with the obligation for repair or imprisonment.

The carrying of a pocket knife remains legal, but you may only use it for authorized functions. Since you will be using the knife for appropriate purposes (cutting food) at a picnic, you should not have any trouble for having brought it. That said, you must not harm anyone with this weapon.

Is carrying a pocket knife as a weapon illegal in France?

pocket knife

Some knives are considered weapons under French law, while others are regarded merely as kitchen utensils. Folding knives, such as dags and daggers, can be considered as “cold weapons” of category D by law.

The law was more lenient for pocket knives and other common weapons whose primary function is not to cause physical harm. As long as the knife blade does not exceed the hand, carrying it is permitted. A pocket knife can be considered a lethal weapon if it is designed to cause serious bodily harm.

A clarification was needed, and that is what the law signed on July 30, 2013 did. It was decided that any weapon “whose piercing or protruding action is due solely to human force or a mechanism to which it has been transmitted” is a “blank weapon” under international law. Carrying it was restricted because the pocket knife is now technically an illegal weapon.

French legislation on carrying pocket knives

People who have purchased or received a pocket knife do not always know how to store it. Can one still take it with them? The purpose of this page is to provide concise and accurate information on this topic under French legislation.

Here are some reasonable explanations for always having a pocket knife on you: certificates from sports leagues, museums, and historical reenactment sites, letters of recommendation from universities and restaurants, etc.

However, the legitimate style can change depending on the intended function of the knife. Law enforcement may decide not to bring charges if they discover you possess a knife for a reason other than the four mentioned above.


Finally, it is always risky to walk around with a pocket knife. Depending on the situation and the tolerance of law enforcement, it may be viewed as a weapon of mass destruction, even if you have no intention of using it to endanger another person. However, as long as you use common sense, you should be able to continue carrying your favorite knife in the city.

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