Recette de confiture d’abricot maison facile à réaliser


Recipe for 4 people.

🍑 1 kg of apricots (pitted) 🍋 10 g of lemon juice (about 2 teaspoons)
🧂 800 g of sugar (granulated sugar) 🏺 1 packet of gelling agent


🍑 Stainless steel or enameled pot 🥄 Wooden spoon
🔪 Kitchen knife 🧽 Sponge or cloth for cleaning
🧪 Measuring cup 🥫 Glass jar for jam
🌡️ Kitchen thermometer (optional) 🤲 Jam funnel (optional)

la confiture de courgettes, c’est LE souvenir de mon enfance et LA grosse arnaque de ma grand mère qui me faisait croire que c’etait de la poire. je n’aime toujours pas les courgettes, je ne les mange que comme ca 😂 💥 et j’ai dis n’imp , c’est 1kg de courgettes qui fait 5 pots, pas 2kg. #confiture #confituremaison #confituredecourgettes #recettefacile

♬ Get Lucky – Daniele Vitale

Preparation step by step

Total cooking time: 45 minutes

Preparation time: 15 minutes

Rest time: 12 hours

Cooking time: 30 minutes

STEP 1: Wash the apricots thoroughly with clear water to remove any impurities and residues.

STEP 2: Cut the apricots in half and remove the pits to keep only the fruit flesh.

STEP 3: In a large container, add the apricots, sugar, and lemon juice to mix the ingredients well.

STEP 4: Cover the container and let macerate at room temperature for about 12 hours to obtain a juicy preparation.

STEP 5: After the resting time, bring the mixture to a boil while stirring regularly to mix well.

STEP 6: Let simmer over low heat for 30 minutes, continuing to stir to prevent the mixture from sticking.

STEP 7: Once cooking is finished, check the consistency of the jam using the plate test.

STEP 8: Fill your previously sterilized jam jars and seal them tightly. Let cool.

Making homemade apricot jam is within everyone’s reach. With a few simple steps, you can enjoy a homemade preparation that will delight your breakfasts and snacks. By ensuring that you use well-ripened apricots and adjusting the amount of sugar to your preferences, you will achieve a texture and taste that will please you.

The maceration of the fruits with fresh lemon juice adds a slight acidity that balances the sweetness of the jam. Feel free to explore different recipes and variations by adding other fruits to diversify your creations. After a few hours of preparation, you will have delicious jars to enjoy all year round.

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