Recette de samoussas au boeuf : easy and quick to make


Recipe for 4 people.

🍖 200 g of lean minced meat 🧅 1 onion
🥕 1 carrot 🥚 2 eggs
🌶️ 1 teaspoon of ground cumin 🌿 Fresh parsley
📜 4 sheets of brick pastry 🧄 1 clove of garlic
🧂 Salt 🛢️ Olive oil


🍳 Frying pan 🔪 Knife
🥄 Spoon 🥫 Bow
🧄 Garlic press 📏 Ruler (for cutting the pastry sheets)
🍽️ Plate 🧽 sponge (for cleaning)

Samoussas thon fromage frais & curry Recette facile pour l’apéro ou une entrée 😋 Let’s go ! 👩🏻‍🍳 Ingrédients : -Un paquet de feuilles de brick -1 oignon blanc -1 petite boite de thon -1 carotte -100g de fromage frais à tartiner -Curry -Piment d’Espelette 1.Dans une poêle avec une noix de beurre, mettre l’oignon émincé et la carotte râpée. Laisser cuire 5 bonnes min à feu moyen fort. 2.Mettre la préparation dans un récipient. Ajouter le thon, le fromage frais, le curry, le piment d’Espelette, le sel et bien mélanger. 3.Prendre une feuille de brick, la couper en 2 et la replier en 2, ajouter une cuillère de farce et plier comme sur la vidéo. 4.Sur une plaque, mettre une feuille de papier sulfurisé, déposer les samoussas et enfourner environ 20min à 180. C’est pret ! 😋 #samoussa #samoussas #thon #recette #recettefacile #recetterapide #recettesimple #cuisinefacile #cuisinemaison #ideerecette #aperodinatoire

♬ son original – guillauminetherond

Preparation Step by Step

Total time: 30 minutes

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 20 minutes

Here’s how to prepare delicious beef samosas in a few simple steps:

STEP 1: In a frying pan over high heat, sauté the chopped onion, garlic, and carrot in a little olive oil.

STEP 2: Add the minced beef and cook until browned, about 5 to 7 minutes.

STEP 3: Stir in spices like cumin and paprika, and mix well to coat the meat.

STEP 4: Remove the mixture from the heat, let it cool for a few minutes, then add a beaten egg to bind the mixture.

STEP 5: Take a sheet of brick pastry, place a spoonful of filling and fold it to form a triangle.

STEP 6: Repeat the process until all filling is used up, then heat oil in a frying pan.

STEP 7: Fry the samosas until golden and crispy, about 3 to 4 minutes on each side.

STEP 8: Drain the samosas on paper towels before serving hot with a sauce of your choice.

Making beef samosas has never been easier and quicker. In less time than it takes to say so, you can enjoy these crispy little bites that delight the taste buds. The combination of onion, minced meat, and spices like cumin and paprika adds a savory and warm touch to your dish.

The use of brick pastry greatly simplifies the preparation, making this recipe accessible to everyone. Whether as an appetizer or a main dish, these homemade samosas are sure to please your guests. Don’t forget to add your personal touch by playing with the ingredients and exploring different variations of the recipe.

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