Recette de sauce saumon facile et rapide à préparer


Recipe for 4 people.

🍣 4 salmon fillets 🍋 1 lemon
🥄 2 tablespoons of crème fraîche 🌿 Fresh dill (optional)
🧂 Salt 🌶️ Pepper
🧄 1 clove of garlic (optional) 🌿 Spices of choice (cumin, turmeric, etc.)


🍽️ Plate 🥄 Wooden spoon
🔪 Knife 🥣 Bowls
🔥 Frying pan ⚖️ Kitchen scale
👩‍🍳 Spatula 🍋 Citrus juicer

PÂTES SAUMON RÔTI Ingrédients pour 4 300g de spaghettis 1 pot de ricotta Zeste d’un citron Une demi botte de basilic frais Sel poivre 2 courgettes Sauce saumon : 1 cas de miel et d’huile d’olive 1/faites des entailles dans le saumon et badigeonnez les de la sauce, faire cuire au four 15 min à 200 ou 12 min à 200 au air fryer 3/ coupez les courgettes en brunoises faites les revenir 10/12 min pendant que le saumon cuit à la poêle avec de l’ail 4/ faites cuire les pates 5/ fouettez la ricotta avec du jus de citron du zeste, sel basilic frais et ajoutez un peu d’eau de cuisson des pâtes 6/ ajoutez les pates à la sauce, le saumon rôti écrasé les courgettes et regalez vous

♬ original sound – summer songs<333

Preparation step by step

Total cooking time: 30 minutes

Preparation time: 15 minutes

Resting time: None

Cooking time: 15 minutes

STEP 1: In a bowl, squeeze a lemon to extract the juice. This will add freshness to the sauce.

STEP 2: Next, add crème fraîche to the lemon juice. Mix well to combine the ingredients.

STEP 3: Incorporate spices like pepper and a bit of salt to enhance the flavor of the sauce.

STEP 4: For a herby touch, add fresh herbs like chopped dill. This will add a pleasant aroma.

STEP 5: Mix all the ingredients again until you have a smooth and creamy sauce, ready to be served.

STEP 6: Pour the sauce over the cooked salmon fillets or serve it separately for everyone to help themselves.

Preparing a salmon sauce is a simple and quick task that can transform an ordinary meal. In just a few minutes, you can create a creamy sauce that enhances the flavor of fresh salmon. With common ingredients like crème fraîche and lemon, this recipe adds a touch of elegance to your dish.

The different spices you can add to your sauce allow you to adjust the flavors according to your preferences. Whether it’s curry, turmeric, or even Espelette pepper, each condiment helps to personalize your sauce. Choose fresh and flavorful ingredients for the best results.

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