Recette de yakisoba : enjoy this dish of Japanese noodles


Recipe for 4 people.

🍜 360 g of yakisoba noodles (or ramen) 🥬 100 g of green cabbage
🍖 50 g of thin slices of unsalted pork belly 🧅 50 g of chives
🥕 100 g of julienned carrots 🍤 200 g of shrimp (optional)
🌶️ 50 g of bell peppers (red or green) 🍚 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil
🥢 4 tablespoons of yakisoba sauce 🧂 salt and pepper to taste


🍜 Wok 🥢 Chopsticks
🔪 Chef’s knife 🍽️ Plate
🥄 Wooden spoon ⚖️ Kitchen scale
🧊 Container for ingredients 🕒 Timer

Abonne-toi pour d’autres recettes d’anime ! Aujourd’hui les #yakisoba comme dans #aggretsuko : les yakisoba sont des nouilles sautées et grillées à la japonaise. J’utilise une plancha mais vous pouvez les faire à la poêle, voici les ingrédients que vous pouvez utiliser pour les cuisiner : 2 oignons nouveaux 1 carotte 1/2 poivron rouge 1 poignée de pousses de soja 2 feuilles de chou chinois 4 saucisses 2 tranches de poitrine fumée 2 portions de nouilles à yakisoba Pour la sauce 4 cuil. à soupe de sauce soja salée 3 cuil. à soupe de sauce huître 2 cuil. à soupe de ketchup 1 cuil. à café de mirin 1 cuil. à café de sucre roux #animefood #anime #gastronogeek #recettefacile #cuisinejaponaise #japanesefood #streetfood

♬ son original – Gastronogeek

Step-by-step preparation

Preparation time: 20 minutes

Cooking time: 6 minutes

Rest time: None

Total time: 26 minutes

STEP 1: Start by cooking the yakisoba noodles according to the instructions on the package. Drain and set aside.

STEP 2: In a pan or a wok, heat some oil over medium heat. Add the pork slices and cook until golden brown.

STEP 3: Add the thinly sliced green cabbage and stir-fry until tender and slightly crunchy.

STEP 4: Add the cooked noodles to the pan with the vegetables and pork. Mix well to coat all the ingredients.

STEP 5: Pour the yakisoba sauce over the noodle mixture and stir to distribute the flavors, then heat for 1 to 2 minutes.

STEP 6: Finally, serve your yakisoba immediately while hot, garnished with chopped chives or any other vegetables to your taste.

The yakisoba is undoubtedly a dish to discover for anyone interested in Japanese cuisine. With its stir-fried noodles accompanied by meat and vegetables, each bite offers an explosion of flavors and textures. The key lies in the yakisoba sauce, which provides this unique combination of sweet and savory notes.

Whether you opt for a classic version, including pork, or are tempted by seafood variants, this dish lends itself to many interpretations. Its ease of preparation makes it an ideal option for a comforting meal, whether at home or with friends.

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